Actually I heard something horrible on reality t.v. so you can't really expect it to be good. Regardless, there was this couple and they were talking about their relationship and how they were on two different pages. She was looking to get married and he was just not interested in it whatsoever. So she says, "fine, we'll just be buddies then. I have lots of buddies". He looks at her and says, "no I don't want to be buddies, and frankly we don't have enough in common to be buddies"!
My first reaction was WOW! You are a douche bag! How can you build a relationship with a man or a woman without having a friendship with them? How can you build anything without that foundation? What happens if/when you do get married and the "lustfulness" of a new romance has worn off and you are just left with each other? Well, divorce is generally what happens. The "intimate relations" (keeping it G rated) stop and so does everything else apparently.
Thankfully this woman was smart enough to break up with this guy and wait for something better. The other thing that cracks me up about it is that she calls herself a Christian and yet she expects these men that she meets in bars or other random places to be one as well and then continues to date them and sleep with them even when they are not. And then she gets upset because they do not have the same values that she does. Even in your 40's and 50's these people do not get it.
You see they all suffer from the same sickness, OC-ism. OC-ism is a disease that has begun to spread nationwide. And probably thanks in part to all the Orange County reality shows. The women are all "OC Plastics" and the men are just rich douche bags. The married one's cheat on each other with the single and much younger one's and then they all wonder why they are unhappy. Their children are spoiled brats that think the world and everyone in it owes them something. They all drive the benz or lexus that daddy bought them and buy true religion's with daddy's credit card because their parents are too wrapped up in their own lives to realize that they are raising monsters and not children. Daddy is always at work and on the road and mommy is having drinks with her girlfriends discussing some other woman's plastic surgery. And the women that are divorced are just money hungry cougars looking for husband # fill in the blank.
You see people in small towns in other states see this stuff and actually believe that these people lead glamorous lives and are happy! It is funny and terribly sad at the same time. None of these people are happy. They are all looking for the next best thing to fill that void in their hearts that they just can't understand why it's there. I mean you can fill in wrinkles with botox, cut off saggy skin with a face lift, get new implants, and even have liposuction all as an outpatient in just one day. So why can't they fix this loneliness that they all feel inside? Because they are rich and missing one important factor...GOD!
Holy crap! What a concept. Mark 10:25 says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Why? Because the rich can mask their pain. They can distract themselves with new toys and trips and anything else they can think of. Others cannot, they have to deal with the realities of life. So to all those of you that want to be rich to have the lifestyles you see on these reality shows, it is so not worth the heartache and the risk of not making it to Heaven. Turn your face towards God and seek his comfort. Do not depend on earthly possessions to help you heal, but rather the peace of God and the faith that He will take care of you and protect you.
The more you focus on earthly treasures the less you build up on Heavenly treasures. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", Luke 12:34. So where is your heart? Is your attention on keeping up with your neighbors for the latest and greatest things that mean absolutely nothing in the end? Or is it on God, and Jesus, and the blessings you have been given, and being thankful for everything you do have. It should be about being grateful and content. Not about wanting and needing more.
So do yourself a favor and go get a shot for your "OC-ism", because although the breakout of this disease is strong, there is a cure for it.
1 comment:
Wow - look at the bold nature coming out.. I like it. I like people who can write in a way that shares their heart and convictions - but calls to action those that read. good stuff.
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