07 April 2008

The New Bourbon Coffee

Well the new Bourbon Coffee opened today!  It actually opened the night before and unfortunately we missed the big event.  Apparently they were giving away free coffee and food and Pastor Rick was there to give the blessing and pray for it.  So the girls and I went this morning to the MTN Center to check it out and it is huge!  It is really cool and the menu is different which makes me happy because after eating there day after day you kind of get sick of having the same food. 


We had lunch and then left to UTC (Union Trade Center) where the old Bourbon is to use the internet.  But before we went there across the street from the UTC is a little shopping district with shops of crafts and jewelry.  I bought a few things and then spoke with this lady that owns one of the shops there.  She had some really cool things in her shop.  She had these stuffed dolls, elephants, and giraffes.  I wanted to buy the elephant really bad, but I decided to wait until Wednesday after we go to Amani.  However, she was telling me that the dolls and elephants and giraffes are made by street girls.  She taught them how to make them and then she hand paints the fabric.  They were amazing and well worth the RWF 5,000 a piece.  So I will most likely go back and get the giraffe and elephant. 


With no teams in town for us to join it was one of our “down” days.  So after bourbon again we just went back to Phil and Becca’s early.  She made us dinner and as bad as I have been craving Mexican food I was so disappointed.  She made enchiladas but I didn't eat it because I have been sick.  Oh well.  I go home to Taco Bell (a weird craving I know) in a few days anyways!

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