As an outsider looking in on the refugees the biggest problems they face is not only poverty, but also a lack of motivation to leave the camp. There are three generations living there and yet they have become so dependant on the aid that they receive there that they have no reason to leave. They are safe there. Do we not do this in our own lives? We get comfortable and feel safe somewhere and therefore we do not want leave? Sometimes its leaving home and getting out on our own, or sometimes is a relationship that we stay in for security when we know its not what we really want. We stay in a job that is not fulfilling to us because we have become dependant upon the financial or job security. We ignore that voice inside of us that tells us to get out. To move on and take on the new adventure that God has in store for us. He speaks to us and moves something within our hearts and yet we ignore it. We push it aside and pretend that it is not there or we think that we are doing something wrong by even thinking about listening to the voice of God, most likely because we do not recognize that he is speaking to us. We think it is our subconscious going crazy or that we are being tempted away from our daily routine. But that is exactly what it is, routine. We get ourselves stuck in these situations and do not allow ourselves or our hearts to break free. We just sit and fester only to become unhappy and depressed. Is this the life God called us to lead? Is this what is making Him happy? Are we honoring Him by living an unfulfilled life that is not in obedience to him?
Sometimes we Christians think that by going to church and reading our Bibles that we are honoring God. Sometimes, we as people truly believe that by leading a “good” life and being nice to people we will gain entrance into heaven. If I am good enough then God will let me in because God would never condemn a good person. And sometimes we think that because we grew up in church, we know about God and therefore we can lead whatever kind of life we want to, and when we die God will still let us in because we “know” who he is. Sorry, but that’s just not the case. God doesn’t want robots who go to church every Sunday and read their Bible every once and a while and do nothing else. He never said that just being a “good person” will get you a golden ticket into his kingdom, and he certainly does not condone a lifestyle of man-pleasing and self-pleasing just because you “know” who he is. Just because you went to church and know what Jesus did does not mean that you “know” God. In fact if you are living in any of these ways then you truly do not know God.
A person that knows God listens to his voice when he speaks, obeys His commands when given, and does not conform to the ways of this world. The Christ follower is not afraid to go out into the world and make new believers. They are not afraid to leave the current situation of comfort or security to do what God has called them or is leading them to do. The true Christian gets up and follows. He picks up his cross and follows the Lord just as he instructed.
Rwandans are not the only people that have joy. I’ve said before that many of us just have happiness and not joy, because joy comes from within and many of us are empty inside. However, there are many of you that truly do have joy despite your suffering. The people are Rwanda have suffered so much, but so have many of us. We all have hurts and pains and have lost hope. But the lesson that I have learned from the people here is not to be selfish with our hurts. When bad or horrendous things happen to us we are allowed to hurt, but we cannot shut God out. We have to lean on him. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall”. Do you push God away or blame him for your hurts? Do you think that a just and loving God would never allow this pain to come into your life? If so, you are wrong. God allows pain and suffering to come into our lives because he is a just and loving God. He knows what we can take and he allows us to hurt to see if we are going to depend upon him. To test us to see if we will cast our cares on him. Just because we hurt does not mean that he does not hurt with us. Our pain is his pain and he will help us and he will heal us as long as we rejoice in him through it all. Having joy comes from God, no matter what. So pick up your cross and follow him!
Brittany, I found your blog via Google alerts! I think my parents (Larry and Carole) may be in the group currently there that you are also with from Saddleback. I've been following Pastor Steve's blog too and I must say all of your experiences sound incredible. I am so happy for the three girls from Kigali that were saved! Anyway, if you've seen my parents, say hi for me... we can't wait for them to return to hear all about it!
Thanks for your blog--it's great to hear and see the wonderful adventures that God has prepared for you!
Out "team" is safely back home and re-adjusting to the SoCal bustle,...but with a notable difference--our hearts and lives have been forever changed by our experience in Rwanda. Thank you for your terrific leadership. It was a joy being part of your team.
We look forward to getting together upon your return. You are on our hearts and in our prayers. Please extend our warmest wishes to Jade & Caroline.
May our Lord protect you and enlarge the path under your feet,
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